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      Brain activity during externally and internally guided movements in patients with Parkinsons disease



            An imbalance in the activity of the basal ganglia in Parkinsons disease is known to result in disturbance of the planning and initiation of mainly self-initiated voluntary movements. The effectiveness of self-initiated movements can be improved by adding an external stimulus. Despite a large number of studies in this area, the neural mechanisms of motor control of these movements and the role of the basal ganglia in their implementation remain unknown. The aim of the study was to compare brain activity during the execution of externally triggered (ET) and internally guided (IG) movements in normal state and Parkinson's disease. We used functional MRI with block designed paradigm to analyze brain activity caused by voluntary movements. Twenty healthy participants and twenty Parkinson's disease patients (OFF-state) were asked to perform hand movements in response to sound stimuli (ET) and in advance of the stimuli (IG). We showed that brain activity during externally induced movements is lateralized mainly in the contralateral hemisphere, both in normal and in Parkinson's disease. During the IG movement, brain activity was observed also in the ipsilateral hemisphere, to a greater extent in patients, which indicates difficulty in performing this test. At the same time, in patients, activation was observed not only in the posterior parts of the putamen but also in the anterior ones during IG movements. These results showed that IG movements in patients with PD were made with the participation of both sensorimotor and associative basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops. This work was supported by RFBR 19-315-90097 .


            Author and article information

            ScienceOpen Posters
            24 August 2020
            [1 ] N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics
            [2 ] Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery
            [3 ] National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
            Author information

            This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com .

            : 24 August 2020

            The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
            basal ganglia,Parkinson’s disease,voluntary movements,externally triggered,internally guided,functional MRI


            I have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease since 2010, by the VA. I found that none of the current medications worked (side effects for me). I currently take pramipexole dihydrochloride three times daily. It isn’t working well neither. I still have some tremors. Was on carbidopa levodopa but only lasted 90 minutes then wore off. Down side of carbidopa is after reaching max dosage it will no longer give relief, nothing was working for me and to make matters worse there has been little if any progress in finding a reliable medical treatment for Parkinson's disease without spending thousands of $, finally this year I was introduced to Health Herbs Clinic and their effective Parkinson’s herbal protocol. This protocol relieved symptoms significantly, even better than the medications I was given.. No case of Parkinson’s, hallucination, weakness, muscle pain or tremors. I’m strong again and able to go about daily activities. Visit Health Herbs Clinic website healthherbsclinic .com

            2022-08-31 12:33 UTC

            I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a year ago at the age of 67. For several months I had noticed tremors in my right hand and the shaking of my right foot when I was sitting. My normally beautiful cursive writing was now small cramped printing. And I tended to lose my balance. Neurologist had me walk down the hall and said I didn't swing my right arm. I had never noticed! I was in denial for a while as there is no history in my family of parents and five older siblings, but I had to accept I had classic symptoms. I was taking amantadine and carbidopa/levodopa and was about to start physical therapy to strengthen muscles. Finally, I was introduced to Kycuyu Health Clinic and their effective Parkinson’s herbal protocol. This protocol relieved symptoms significantly, even better than the medications I was given. Visit ww w. kycuyuhealthclinic. c om. After First month on treatment, my tremors mysterious stopped, had improvement walking. After I completed the treatment, all symptoms were gone. I live a more productive life. I was fortunate to have the loving support of my husband and family. I make it a point to appreciate every day!

            2022-05-24 06:57 UTC

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