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      Comparación entre dos modelos diferentes de cámaras de McMaster empleadas para el conteo coproscópico en el diagnóstico de infecciones por nematodos gastroentéricos en rumiantes Translated title: Comparison between two McMaster egg counting slide used for the diagnostic of gastrointestinal nematode infection in ruminants


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          El parasitismo gastrointestinal en rumiantes, representa una importante limitante del crecimiento, reproducción y supervivencia en animales susceptibles. Para su control debe disponerse de técnicas diagnósticas capaces de determinar la presencia del parásito, los niveles de infección y permitir inferir en base a estos resultados, el estado de alteraciones fisiológicas y el grado de afección sobre factores de importancia en la producción que estas generan. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en comparar la eficacia de dos cámaras diseñadas para el conteo coproscópico de huevos de estróngilos digestivos. Para el estudio se emplearon 40 becerros mestizos de ambos sexos, de los cuales se recolectaron 40 muestras de heces directamente del recto de cada animal para su posterior procesamiento por las técnicas de McMaster clásica modifi cada (TCC) que consta de dos compartimientos y requiere de una muestra de 3 g de heces, y la técnica de McMaster modificada empleando la cámara INTA (TCI), que posee 4 compartimientos y requiere de una muestra de 5 g de heces. Para la comparación entre los recuentos de huevos de estróngilos digestivos por gramo de heces (HPG) se empleó la prueba de Wilcoxon y la correlación mediante el coefi ciente de rangos de Spearman. La comparación de las discrepancias se hizo con la prueba de McNemar y la concordancia con el Índice de Kappa. Se concluye que ambas cámaras poseen características de confi abilidad, rapidez, sencillez y bajo costo, sin embargo, la TCI ofrece ventajas en cuanto detección de huevos (animales positivos) e identifi cación de animales acumuladores

          Translated abstract

          Gastrointestinal parasitism in ruminants, represents a major constraint to growth, reproduction and survival in susceptible animals. The control of parasitic infections need of techniques able to determine the presence of the parasite and the infestation levels within the herd in order to establish the possible relationship among the physiologic alterations, the level of parasitic infection and the affection on the production. The aims of this work, was to compare the classical coproscopical technique of McMaster (TCC) against the McMaster INTA (TCI) technique, both are eggs counting slide used for the parasitological diagnosis. For the study 40 crossbreed calves of both sexes were used. A total of 40 samples of faeces were gathered directly of the rectum of each animal and examined for both techniques. The comparison between the eggs per gram of faeces counts (HPG) was realized by mean of Wilcoxon test and the correlation through the coeffi cient of ranks of Spearman. The comparison of the discrepancies was made with the McNemar test and the agreement was evaluated with the Kappa Index. We conclude that both cameras have features of reliability, speed, simplicity and low cost, but the TCI offers advantages in detection of eggs (positive animals) and accumulators animal identifi cation

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          Measuring nominal scale agreement among many raters.

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            Pathophysiology of infection with gastrointestinal nematodes in domestic ruminants: recent developments.

            M.T. FOX (1997)
            Infection with gastrointestinal nematodes, particularly Ostertagia species in domestic ruminants, continues to represent an important cause of impaired productivity in temperate parts of the world. The mechanisms responsible for such losses include changes in feed intake, gastrointestinal function, protein, energy and mineral metabolism, and body composition, and were described in detail at the last Ostertagia Workshop (Fox, M.T. 1993. Pathophysiology of infection with Ostertagia ostertagi in cattle. Vet. Parasitol. 46, 143-158). Since then, research into the pathophysiology of infection has focused on three main areas: mechanisms of appetite depression; changes in gastrointestinal function; and alterations in protein metabolism. Studies on the mechanisms responsible for appetite depression in Ostertagia-infected cattle have continued to support a close association between impaired feed intake and elevated blood gastrin concentrations. Alternative explanations will have to be sought, however, to account for the drop in feed intake associated with intestinal parasitism in which blood gastrin levels normally remain unaltered. Such work in sheep, and more recently in laboratory animals, has shown that central satiety signals are associated with inappetance accompanying intestinal infections, rather than changes in peripheral peptide levels. Changes in gastrointestinal function have also attracted attention, particularly the mechanisms responsible for increases in certain gut secretions, notably pepsinogen and gastrin. Elegant experimental studies have established that the gradient in pepsinogen concentration between abomasal mucosa and local capillaries could alone account for the increase in blood concentrations seen in Type 1 ostertagiosis. Additional factors, such as increases in capillary permeability and in surface area, probably contribute to such responses in cases of Type 2 disease. The increase in blood gastrin concentrations that accompanies Ostertagia infections in cattle is associated with the concurrent rise in abomasal pH. However, in sheep, additional factors appear to contribute to the hypergastrinaemia which may occur independent of parasite-induced changes in gastric pH. Alterations in protein metabolism have been well documented in ruminants harbouring monospecific infections with either abomasal or intestinal nematodes. More recently, however, the effects of dual abomasal and intestinal infections have been investigated and demonstrated that the host is able to compensate for impaired abomasal digestion provided that the intestinal parasite burden does not occupy the main site of digestion and absorption in the latter organ. An alternative method of improving the host's protein balance, dietary supplementation, has been shown not only to improve productivity, but also to enhance the innate resistance of susceptible breeds of sheep to Haemonchus and to accelerate the development of immunity to Ostertagia in lambs.
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                Author and article information

                Zootecnia Tropical
                Zootecnia Trop.
                Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agricolas INIA, Maracay, Venezuela. (Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela )
                December 2011
                : 29
                : 4
                : 495-501
                [02] Aragua orgnameINIA orgdiv1CENIAP Venezuela
                [01] Yaracuy orgnameINIA orgdiv1Centro de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
                [03] orgnameInstituto Universitario Tecnológico del estado Yaracuy Venezuela
                S0798-72692011000400011 S0798-7269(11)02900411


                : 11 January 2011
                : 08 November 2011
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 27, Pages: 7

                SciELO Venezuela

                Self URI: Texto completo solamente en formato PDF (ES)
                Nota Técnica

                parasitism,diagnostic,McMaster slide,coprología,parasitismo,diagnóstico,cámara,estróngilos,gastrointestinal nematodes,coprology


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