John S. Saul , ‘Magic Market Realism’ , Transformation ( Durban ), 38 ( 1999
Millennial Africa: Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy ( Lawrenceville , NJ : Africa World Press , 2001 ).
John S. Saul , ‘South Africa: Between ‘Barbarism’ and Structural Reform’ , New Left Review , 188 ( 1991 )
The original source of these quotations from Magdoff and Sweezy is their editorial,
‘The Stakes in South Africa’ , introducing a special South Africa issue of Monthly Review , vol. 37 , no. 6 ( April , 1986 ).
Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson , Globalization in Question ( London : Polity Press , 1999 ), 189 .
Jonathan Hyslop , ‘Why was the white right unable to stop South Africa's democratic transition?’ in Peter Alexander et al. (eds.), Africa Today ( Canberra : HRC , 1996 ), 145 – 165 .
Jeremy Cronin . ‘The boat, the tap and the Leipzig way,’ The African Communist , 130 ( 1992 )
Suttner is quoted in ‘Central Committee discussion of Joe Slovo's presentation,’ The African Communist , 135 ( 1993 ), 14 .
David Howarth , ‘Paradigms Gained? A Critique of Theories and Explanations of Democratic Transitions in South Africa’ in D. Howarth and A. Norval (eds.), South Africa in Transition: New Theoretical Perspectives ( New York : St Martin's Press , 1998 ), 203 .
Mahmood Mamdani , Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism ( Princeton : Princeton University Press , 1996 ).
Gerhard Maré , ‘Makin’ Nice with Buthelezi’ , Southern Africa Report (SAR) , vol. 14 , no. 3 ( May , 1999 ), 10 .
Asghar Adelzadeh , ‘Loosening the Brakes on Economic Growth’ , Ngqo! , 1 , 2 ( February , 2000 ).
Chris Landsberg , ‘Directing from the stalls? The international community and the South African negotiation forum’ , in Steven Friedman and Doreen Atkinson (eds.), The small miracle: South Africa's negotiated settlement ( Braamfontein : Ravan Press , 1994 ), 290 – 291 .
The Center for Development and Enterprise (CDE) , ‘Policy‐Making in a New Democracy: South Africa's challenges for the 21st century’ ( Johannesburg : CDE , 1999 ), a report funded by South African Breweries and written by Ann Bernstein, 83.
In his important volume (soon to be issued in a new edition), South Africa: Limits to Change: The Political Economy of Transformation ( London and New York, and Cape Town : Zed Books and University of Cape Town Press , 1998 ), 156
as Marais quotes Anglo‐American executive Clem Sunter : ‘Negotiations work. Rhetoric is dropped, reality prevails and in the end the companies concerned go on producing the minerals, goods and services’ (147) .
See, on this subject, Dan O'Meara's magisterial study, Forty Lost Years: The apartheid state and the Politics of the National Party, 1948–1994 ( Ravan Press and Ohio University Press : Randberg and Athens , Ohio , 1998 ).
Andrew Nash , ‘Mandela's Democracy’ , Monthly Review , vol. 50 , no. 11 ( April 1999 ), 26
Tito Mboweni , ‘Growth through Redistribution’ in G. Howe and P. le Roux (eds.), Transforming the Economy: Policy Options for South Africa ( Natal : Indicator Project SA, University of Natal Institute for Social Development , 1992 ).
T. Moll , ‘Growth through Redistribution: A Dangerous Fantasy?’ The South African Journal of Economics , vol. 59 , no. 3 ( 1991 ).
Patrick Bond , ‘Social Contract Scenarios’ , Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa ( London : Pluto Press , 2000 ), ch. 2.
Bill Freund and Vishnu Padayachee , ‘Post‐Apartheid South Africa: The Key Patterns Emerge’ , Economic and Political Weekly ( 16 May 1998 ), 1175 .
As columnist Howard Barrell wrote in The Mail and Guardian ( 18 June 2000 )
Asgar Adelzadeh , ‘From the RDP to GEAR: The Gradual Embracing of Neo‐Liberalism in Economic Policy’ , Transformation , 31 ( 1996 )
Bond (op. cit., p 200). See also Marais , op. cit. and Charles Millward and Vella Pillay , ‘The Economic Battle for South Africa's Future’ , in E. Maganya and R. Koughton (eds.), Transformation in SA ? Policy Debates in the 1990s ( Braamfontein : IFAA , 1996 ).
Manuel Castells , The Information Age: End of Millennium , vol. III , ( Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , 1998 ), the sub‐section entitled ‘Africa's hope? The South African connection’, 122.
27. Bond (op. cit., 193ff). For a further detailed critique of GEAR'S performance, see Asghar Adelzadeh , ‘The Costs of Staying the Course’ , in Ngqo! , vol. 1 , no. 1 ( June , 1999 ).
Colin Bundy , ‘Problems and Prospects for South African Socialists’ , unpublished paper presented to the Political Science Seminar, York University , October , 1991 .
Albo's seminal essay ‘A World Market of Opportunities? Capitalist Obstacles and Left Economic Policies’ , in Leo Panitch (ed.), Socialist Register 1997: Ruthless Criticism of All that Exists ( London : Merlin Press , 1997 ), 28 – 30 , 41 .
John S. Saul , Recolonization and Resistance: Southern Africa in the 1990s ( Trenton : Africa World Press , 1995 ), chs. 4 and 5.
Gordon Smith , an economist with Deutsche Morgan Grenfell bank, quoted in Norm Dixon , ‘ANC reassures big business after win’ , Green Left Weekly (e‐mail, n.d. [ July , 1999 ?]).
Ben Fine and Zavareh Rustomjee , The Political Economy of South Africa: From minerals‐energy complex to industrialization ( Boulder : Westview Press , 1996 )
On this and other related points see also Carolyn Bassett , ‘Negotiating South Africa's Economic Future: COSATU and Strategic Unionism’ , unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, York University , June , 2000 .
The speeches are included in the final section of Adrian Hasland and Jovial Rantao's useful biography of Thabo Mbeki , The life and times of Thabo Mbeki ( Rivonia : Zebra Press , 1999 ).
Thabo Mbeki , ‘Speech at the Annual National Conference of the Black Management Forum’ , Kempton Park , 20 November 1999 (ANC website).
Closer to the truth, in fact, may be the frank and quite unequivocal statement of a brash emergent African entrepreneur, Tumi Modise , interviewed by David Goodman (in his strong volume, Fault Lines: Journeys Into the New South Africa [ Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press , 1999 ]): ‘Race is not the issue anymore’, she told Goodman, ‘It's class’.
39. I have cited this statement (from 1984) and explored other questions posed in seeking to divine the historical character of the ANC in my ‘South Africa: the Question of Strategy’ , New Left Review , 160 ( November , 1986 ).
‘Statement by Deputy President Mbeki at the African Renaissance Conference’ , Johannesburg , 28 September 1998 (ANC website).
Larry Swatuk , ‘Bully on the Block?’ SAR , vol. 15 , no. 3 ( 2000 )
Hein Marais , ‘Topping up the tank: How the ANC has reproduced its power since 1994’ , Development Update , vol. 3 , no. 1 ( October , 1999 )
Salim Vally , ‘Education on Trial: The Poor Speak Out’ , SAR , vol. 14 , no. 1 ( December , 1998 ), 27
Shamim Meer , ‘The demobilization of civil society: Struggling with new questions’ , Development Update , vol. 3 , no. 1 ( 1999 ).
49. The quotations in this paragraph are drawn from an article by Wonder Hlongwa , ‘Church asked to fight Gear from the trenches’ , Mail and Guardian , 10 July 1998 .
Sam Gindin , ‘The Party's Over’ , This Magazine ( November , 1998 ), 15 .
This has been further defined by Gindin ( This Magazine [ July , 2000 ])
Blade Nzimande , ‘Towards a socialist South Africa’ , Mail and Guardian ( 18 February 2000 ), 39
and also his ‘State should drive the economy’ , Business Day ( 29 May 2000 ), 10 .
(see Z. Pallo Jordan , ‘Ruth First Memorial Lecture’ , Witwatersrand University , 28 August 2000 for a particularly clear statement of this position).