2022 Index, Volume 49
Volume 49 Number 171 March 2022
Special Issue: Capital accumulation, financialisation and social reproduction in Mozambique
Issue Editors: Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco and Elisa Greco
1 Mozambique – neither miracle nor mirage
Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco and Elisa Greco
11 The historical logic of the mode of capital accumulation in Mozambique
Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco
46 Financialisation, narrow specialisation of production and capital accumulation in Mozambique
Carlos Nuno Castel-Branco and Diogo Maia
67 Work in agro-industry and the social reproduction of labour in Mozambique: contradictions in the current accumulation system
Rosimina Ali and Sara Stevano
87 The expansion of capitalist agricultural production and social reproduction of rural labour: contradictions within the logic of capital accumulation in Mozambique
Carlos Muianga
107 Class, politics and dynamic accumulation processes around the Sino-Mozambican rice project in the lower Limpopo, 2005–2014
Ana Sofia Ganho
138 Green extractivism and financialisation in Mozambique: the case of Gilé National Reserve
Natacha Bruna
161 Commercial finance for development: a back door for financialisation
Ewa Karwowski
173 Debt, distress, dispossession: towards a critical political economy of Africa’s financial dependency
Tim Zajontz
Review article
184 The death of political possibility? Reading State and society in Nigeria 40 years on
Portia Roelofs
Book reviews
192 M. Wyss, Postcolonial security: Britain, France, and West Africa’s Cold War
Reviewed by Mohamed Chamekh
194 Hannah Cross, Migration beyond capitalism
Reviewed by Sophia Hayat Taha
On Roape.net
197 Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa
Leo Zeilig
Volume 49 Number 172 June 2022
Issue Editor: Bettina Engels
201 Popular struggles and the search for alternative democracies
Bettina Engels
209 Social movements as learning spaces: the case of the defunct Anti-Privatisation Forum in South Africa
Mondli Hlatshwayo
226 Language of the unheard: police-recorded protests in South Africa, 1997–2013
Martin Bekker
246 Evolution and decline: transformation of social movements in Nigeria
Olayinka Ajala
264 Minimal hegemony in Sudan: exploring the rise and fall of the National Islamic Front
Shahenda Suliman
287 The centrality of Africa in Lenin’s theory of imperialism
Joe Pateman
303 Challenges of constitutional reform, economic transformation and Covid-19 in Botswana
Christian John Makgala and Ikanyeng Stonto Malila
315 Transition now? Another coup d’état in Burkina Faso
Bettina Engels
327 Elections, constituency consultation and political representation in Boko Haram-affected areas in Nigeria
Osaze Omoragbon and Nafisatu Irene Okhade
339 Asymmetric electoral authoritarianism? The case of the 2021 elections in Ethiopia
Terrence Lyons and Aly Verjee
Review articles
355 Climate catastrophe: the struggle continues
Janet Bujra
361 Improvement and change in rural Tanzania
Andrew Coulson
On Roape.net
365 Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa
Leo Zeilig
Volume 49 Number 173 September 2022
Issue Editor: Reginald Cline-Cole
369 Capitalist crises and unstable global and national orders?
Reginald Cline-Cole
390 Ruth First Prize
Special Issue - Call for Contributions
392 The climate emergency in Africa: crisis, ‘solutions’ and resistance
Lee Wengraf
395 Crony capitalist deals and investment in South Africa’s platinum belt: a case study of Anglo American Platinum’s scramble for mining rights, 1995–2019
Musa Nxele
417 Mining, capital and dispossession in post-apartheid South Africa
Phillan Zamchiya
436 ‘Illegal’ gold mining and the everyday in post-apartheid South Africa
Tapiwa Madimu
452 Commercialising the struggle: the organisational and ideological effects of democracy assistance on opposition activism in Zimbabwe
Prolific S. Mataruse and Sally Matthews
472 Anti-fraud measures in Western Africa and commentary on research findings across the three regions analysed
Nataliya Mykhalchenko and Jörg Wiegratz
487 Bilateral trade and politico-administrative border relations in Africa: an analysis of the case of Nigeria and Benin Republic
Paul Hezekiah Omeh, Ifeanyichukwu Michael Abada, Celestine Chijioke Onah, Ngozika Josephine Anozie and Benjamin Amujiri
498 Africa’s lion economies and their gendered impacts: lessons from Asia
Niamh Gaynor
507 Development of the Blue Economy concept in Eastern Africa: strategic frameworks and a simmering conflict
Claire A. Amuhaya and Denis A. Degterev
On Roape.net
520 Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa
Leo Zeilig, Chinedu Chukwudinma and Ben Radley
Volume 49 Number 174 December 2022
Issue Editor: Peter Lawrence
523 The return of recession, debt and structural adjustment
Peter Lawrence
531 Africa’s new urban spaces: deindustrialisation, infrastructure-led development and real estate frontiers
Tom Gillespie and Seth Schindler
550 Public procurement law, political economy of the lowest responsive bidding, and the development of the water, sanitation and hygiene sector in Nigeria
Aloysius-Michaels Okolie, Kelechi Elijah Nnamani, Chikodiri Nwangwu, Humphrey Nwobodo Agbo and Chinedu Cyril Ike
569 How armed militancy transformed power relations in the oil communities of Nigeria’s Niger Delta
Tarila Marclint Ebiede
584 Caught in Europe’s net: ecological destruction and Senegalese migration to Spain
Noam Chen-Zion
601 Migration, Europe, and the question of political and economic sovereignty in Africa
Hannah Cross
611 Racial capitalism and capitalism in Africa: the utility and limits of Cedric Robinson’s perspective
Buhari Shehu Miapyen and Umut Bozkurt
624 Collapsing banks and the cost of finance capitalism in Ghana
Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo
634 The role of subordinate financialisation in Egypt’s employment crisis
Osama Diab
643 Tanzania’s solidarity tax
Francis Nyonzo
On Roape.net
652 Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa
Leo Zeilig, Chinedu Chukwudinma and Ben Radley
655 Volume index
Author index, Volume 49, 2022
Abada, Ifeanyichukwu Michael | 487 |
Agbo, Humphrey Nwobodo | 550 |
Ajala, Olayinka | 246 |
Akolgo, Isaac Abotebuno | 624 |
Ali, Rosimina | 67 |
Amuhaya, Claire A. | 507 |
Amujiri, Benjamin | 487 |
Anozie, Ngozika Josephine | 487 |
Bekker, Martin | 226 |
Bozkurt, Umut | 611 |
Bruna, Natacha | 138 |
Bujra, Janet | 355 |
Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno | 1, 11, 46 |
Chamekh, Mohamed | 192 |
Chen-Zion, Noam | 584 |
Chukwudinma, Chinedu | 520, 652 |
Cline-Cole, Reginald | 369 |
Coulson, Andrew | 361 |
Cross, Hannah | 601 |
Degterev, Denis A. | 507 |
Diab, Osama | 634 |
Ebiede, Tarila Marclint | 569 |
Engels, Bettina | 201, 315 |
Ganho, Ana Sofia | 107 |
Gaynor, Niamh | 498 |
Gillespie, Tom | 531 |
Greco, Elisa | 1 |
Hlatshwayo, Mondli | 209 |
Ike, Chinedu Cyril | 550 |
Karwowski, Ewa | 161 |
Lawrence, Peter | 523 |
Lyons, Terrence | 339 |
Madimu, Tapiwa | 436 |
Maia, Diogo | 46 |
Makgala, Christian John | 303 |
Malila, Ikanyeng Stonto | 303 |
Mataruse, Prolific S. | 452 |
Matthews, Sally | 452 |
Miapyen, Buhari Shehu | 611 |
Muianga, Carlos | 87 |
Mykhalchenko, Nataliya | 472 |
Nnamani, Kelechi Elijah | 550 |
Nwangwu, Chikodiri | 550 |
Nxele, Musa | 395 |
Nyonzo, Francis | 643 |
Okhade, Nafisatu Irene | 327 |
Okolie, Aloysius-Michaels | 550 |
Omeh, Paul Hezekiah | 487 |
Omoragbon, Osaze | 327 |
Onah, Celestine Chijioke | 487 |
Pateman, Joe | 287 |
Radley, Ben | 520, 652 |
Roelofs, Portia | 184 |
Schindler, Seth | 531 |
Stevano, Sara | 67 |
Suliman, Shahenda | 264 |
Taha, Sophia Hayat | 194 |
Verjee, Aly | 339 |
Wengraf, Lee | 392 |
Wiegratz, Jörg | 472 |
Zajontz, Tim | 173 |
Zamchiya, Phillan | 417 |
Zeilig, Leo | 197, 365, 520, 652 |