Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda(1999), by Alison Des Forges, Human Rights Watch, New York and London; International Federation of Human Rights (IFHR), Paris. ISBN 1–56432–171–1.
Civil Society and the Aid Industry(1998), Alison Van Rooy (ed.), London: Earthscan. ISBN 1 85383 553 6.
Whose Development?: An Ethnography of Aid(1998) by Emma Crewe and Elizabeth Harrison, New York/London: Zed Books. ISBN 1 85649 606 6.
The Pillage of Sustainability in Eritrea, 1600s‐1990s: Rural Communities and the Creeping Shadows of Hegemony (1998) by Niaz Murtaza Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press (Distributed by Eurospan, London) ISBN 0–313–30633–8.
Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument(1999) by P. Chabal and J‐P Daloz, London: International Africa Institute/African Issues/James Currey. ISBN 0–253–21287–1.
The Criminalisation of the State in Africa(1999) by J‐F Bayart, S. Ellis and B. Hibou, London: The International Africa Institute/ African Issues, James Currey/ Indiana University Press. ISBN 0–253–21286–3.
Global Restructuring and Land Rights in Ghana: Forest Food Chains, Timber and Rural Livelihoods (1999) by Kojo Sebastian Amanor, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Research Report No. 108. ISBN 91–7106–437–0.
The. Sudan: Contested National Identities(1998) by Ann Mosely Lesch, Bloomington/Oxford: Indiana University Press/James Currey. ISBN 0–253–33432–2.
Post‐Conflict Eritrea: Prospects for Reconstruction and Development (1999)by Martin Doornbos and Tesfai Alemseged (eds), New Jersey: Red Sea Press. ISBN 1–56902–109–0.