Electronic learning (E-learning) is a method of learning which includes multimedia text, voice, etc. It can be easily accessed from any place irrespective of time. E-learning is an online teaching and learning and delivery content through external driver or standalone system. The various modes of content delivered are online lectures, notes, videos, images, texts etc, as mentioned above e-learning educates students with the course that are fully enriched with multimedia content. It provides self-assessment tests like quiz, online test along with course materials. E-learning has become part of the daily learning cycle of this generation.E-learning enables tutors to deliver their knowledge in various forms and in different platforms. Traditional classes are more suitable for young children, teenagers, and young adolescents who are yet to join the workforce. Regular attendance in classes helps them interact with other individuals of their own age, be better disciplined, follow a regular schedule, and improve their physical fitness and mental alertness. Classroom learning helps students and teachers know each other in a better manner. This allows teachers to know the students and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses better, act as mentors, and guide students in their career possibilities. It can't be said that online learning is more effective than traditional learning, or vice versa. It certainly depends on the learning topic and how its effectiveness has been measured. But overall, it seems that online learning is a full-fledged alternative for classroom training. There is good and ample evidence that employees generally learn as much online as they do in traditional training.