Nowadays in the 21st-century use of 3D and 4D printings are day by day increased in the global pharmaceutical industry. In the case of 3D printing, it is seen that 3D printings have played different roles through its innovation, like body implants. Medical model, the creation of customized prosthetics, Pharmaceutical research about drug dosage forms, delivery, and discovery e.t.c. 4D printing uses the same process as 3D printing but with smart and sensitive materials made of special plastic, ceramic, or metal that change shape or other ways, when the part is exposed to heat, cold, moisture, light, or other environmental changes. The new “4D biomaterial” part changes shape as the infant grows and it eventually disappears through bio-degradation when no longer needed. This procedure has saved the lives of babies suffering from severe breathing problems. Other examples of 4D printings are stimuli-responsive hydrogels, actuators for robots e.t.c. Demands of 4D printed applications are day by day increased which is actually upgrade generation of 3D printings. According to the literature review, it is known that the economical value of the 4D printing project will be 31.63 million Dollars wherein in 2021 its value is 8.54 million only.