About 70% of cocoa beans in the global market comes from Africa, majorly from West Africa (Etaware, 2021). The prevalence of BPD in West Africa is greater than anywhere else in the world. Cocoa pod loss due to BPD can be up to 100% (Etaware and Adedeji, 2019), therefore, it is statutory to highlight the trend of BPD outbreak so as to understand the disease dynamics.The prevalence of BPD in Southwest Nigeria was immense in August in Station 1 (30.0%), Station 3 (23.0%), Station 11 (16.0%), Station 4 (9.0%), Station 5 (7.0%), and Station 8 (3.0%) from Fig 1 & 3. Massive cocoa pod loss was recorded in September in Station 1 (100.0%), Station 3 (96.7%), Station 5 (85.7%), Station 11 (84.3%), and Station 4 (70.0%) with the exception of Station 8 (100% in October).The constant menace of BPD in Africa will in due course affect the global cocoa market, if a lasting solution is not proffered.