Review of African Political Economy

Volume 50, Issue 177-178
02 October 2023
Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE)
ROAPE Publisher

Table of contents

The climate emergency in Africa295
Between green extractivism and energy justice: competing strategies in South Africa’s hydrogen transition in the context of climate crisis Translated title: Entre extractivisme vert et justice énergétique : stratégies concurrentes pour la transition hydrogène de l’Afrique du Sud dans le contexte de la crise climatique Translated title: Entre o extrativismo verde e a justiça energética: estratégias concorrentes na transição para o hidrogénio na África do Sul no contexto da crise climática 302
Green imperialism, sovereignty, and the quest for national development in the Congo Translated title: Impérialisme vert, souveraineté et quête de développement national au Congo Translated title: Imperialismo verde, soberania e busca do desenvolvimento nacional no Congo 322
Climate change, counter-terrorism and capitalist development in Somalia Translated title: Changement climatique, lutte contre le terrorisme et développement capitaliste en Somalie Translated title: Alterações climáticas, luta contra o terrorismo e desenvolvimento capitalista na Somália 340
Resource nationalism and energy transitions in lower-income countries: the case of Tanzania Translated title: Nationalisme des ressources et transitions énergétiques dans les pays à faible revenu : le cas de la Tanzanie Translated title: Nacionalismo de recursos e transições energéticas em países de baixa renda: o caso da Tanzânia 355
The political economy of the climate crisis in Southern Africa Translated title: L’économie politique de la crise climatique en Afrique australe Translated title: A economia política da crise climática na África Austral 374
Autonomous projects in the face of the global fishing market: women fish processors in Senegal in a context of climate emergency Translated title: Projets autonomes face au marché mondial de la pêche : les femmes transformatrices de poisson au Sénégal dans un contexte d’urgence climatique Translated title: Projetos autónomos face ao mercado pesqueiro global: o caso das mulheres transformadoras de pescado no Senegal num contexto de emergência climática 388
(Un)Just transition in power generation: neoliberal reforms and climate crisis in Sudan Translated title: Transition (in)juste dans la production d'électricité : réformes néolibérales et crise climatique au Soudan Translated title: Transição (in)justa na geração de energia: reformas neoliberais e crise climática no Sudão 402
Conservation, peasants and class: critical reflections on the political economy of climate change strategies in West Senegal Translated title: Conservation, paysans et classe sociale : réflexions critiques sur l’économie politique des stratégies de lutte contre le changement climatique au Sénégal occidental Translated title: Conservação, camponeses e classe: reflexões críticas sobre a economia política das estratégias de mudança climática no oeste do Senegal 421
Contradictions to decent African jobs under energy transition-related extractivism: the case of graphite mining in Mozambique Translated title: Les contradictions posées aux emplois africains décents dans le cadre de l’extractivisme lié à la transition énergétique : le cas de l’exploitation du graphite au Mozambique Translated title: Contradições para empregos africanos decentes no extrativismo relacionado com a transição energética: o caso da mineração de grafite em Moçambique 439
Fatal architectures and death by design: the infrastructures of state-sponsored climate disasters in Angola and Mozambique Translated title: Architectures fatales et décès par dessein : les infrastructures des catastrophes climatiques parrainées par l’État en Angola et au Mozambique Translated title: Arquiteturas fatais e morte por desenho: as infraestruturas dos desastres climáticos patrocinados pelo Estado em Angola e Moçambique 460
Confronting the climate crisis in Africa: just transitions and Extinction Rebellion in Nigeria and South Africa Translated title: Faire face à la crise climatique en Afrique : transition juste et Extinction Rebellion au Nigeria et en Afrique du Sud Translated title: Confrontando a crise climática em África: A transição justa e a Extinction Rebellion na Nigéria e na África do Sul 475
South Africa’s unjust climate reparations: a critique of the Just Energy Transition Partnership491
An interview with Nnimmo Bassey: Business as usual and false solutions – ‘we must claim climate justice spaces for ourselves’502
Politics of turbulent waters: reflections on ecological, environmental and climate crises in Africa : edited by Nnimmo Bassey, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Wakefield, Daraja Press, 2023, 230 pp., paperback, £19.00, US$23.23, ISBN 978-1-990-26375-0.505
Climate imperialism in Africa: critical commentary on the political economy of global climate change regime : by Kola Ibrahim, Ife, Osun State, RSP Books, 2023, 211 pp., £8.00–16.36, US$10–20, N3000, GHc40.69, R55.97, ISBN 979-8-866-83931-5.509
Dismantling green colonialism: energy and climate justice in the Arab region : edited by Hamza Hamouchene and Katie Sandwell, Transnational Institute, London and Las Vegas, Pluto Press, paperback, £22.99, US$29, ISBN 978-0-745-34921-3; Kindle, £8.68.513
Connecting people and voices for radical change in Africa516
Volume Index