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Nicholas Matzke

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    For my work and CV, please see: http://phylo.wikidot.com/nicholas-j-matzke

    Note: there are too many redundant "academic profile" sites, including this one. The only things I can keep up-to-date are my CV (above) and Google Scholar. Go to Scholar to see the latest: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YR6Ql3QAAAAJ&hl=en


    University of Auckland

    School of Biological Sciences

    The Australian National University

    Division of Evolution, Ecology, and Genetics

    The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis

    Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville

    University of California, Berkeley

    Department of Integrative Biology

    National Center for Science Education

    Department of Fighting-the-Creationists


    University of California Berkeley, Integrative Biology

    Self description

    Note: Orcid and derived pub databases seem to duplicate pubs from different sources, Google Scholar is better for numbers IMHO. For my work and CV, please see: http://phylo.wikidot.com/nicholas-j-matzke Note: there are too many redundant "academic profile" sites, including this one. The only things I can keep up-to-date are my CV (above) and Google Scholar. Go to Scholar to see the latest: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YR6Ql3QAAAAJ&hl=en