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      From Media Hype to Twitter Storm : News Explosions and Their Impact on Issues, Crises and Public Opinion

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      Amsterdam University Press
      POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media & Internet *, SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies, Amsterdam University Press, Film, Media, and Communication, Media Studies, AUP Wetenschappelijk, Ethical and social aspects of IT
      News waves, media hype, twitter storms, public opinion, social problems

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          The word media hype is often used as rhetorical argument to dismiss waves of media attention as overblown, disproportional and exaggerated. But these explosive news waves, as well as - nowadays - the twitter storms, are object of scientific research, because they are an important phenomenon in the public area. Sometimes it is indeed 'much ado about nothing' but in many cases these media storms have play an important role in political issues, scandals and crises. Twitter storms sometimes ruin reputations within hours. Although different concepts are used, such as media hypes, news waves, media storms, information cascades or risk amplification, all the studies in this book refer to the same process in which key events trigger a chain of reactions and interactions, building up huge news waves in the media or rapidly spreading social epidemics in the social media. This book offers the first comprehensive overview of this important topic. It is not only interesting for scholars and students in media and journalism, but also for professionals in PR and communication, crisis communication and reputation management.

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          Author and book information

          26 February 2018
          26 February 2018
          [1 ]Dalhousie University—Writing Centre
          [2 ]Institute for Social Research
          [3 ]Université Laval
          [4 ]University of Southern Denmark
          [5 ]DISSE - Department of Social Science and Economics - La Sapienza University of Rome
          [6 ]Department of Public Administration, Seoul National University of Science and Technology; Department of Public Administration and Policy, Rockefeller College, State University of New York at Albany
          [7 ]Head of Department Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark
          [8 ]Oslo and Akershus University College, University of Southern Denmark
          [9 ]NTNU, Trondheim
          [10 ]Universiteit Antwerpen
          [11 ]University of Tartu
          [12 ]Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport
          [13 ]Institut für Publizistik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
          [14 ]Nanyang Technological University
          [15 ]Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
          [16 ]University of Tartu, School of Law
          [17 ]Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University.
          [18 ]Universidade Cat—lica Portuguesa
          [19 ]LJS News Monitor
          [20 ]Progetti Sociali
          [21 ]Université d'Ottawa
          [22 ]VU Amsterdam
          [23 ]University of Muenster
          [24 ]University Library of Southern Denmark
          Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License



          POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media & Internet *,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies,Amsterdam University Press,Film, Media, and Communication,Media Studies,AUP Wetenschappelijk,Ethical and social aspects of IT


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