Climate Change and Human Health

A collection of open-access research from PLOS Climate and PLOS Global Public Health that supports decision-making at the nexus of climate and health


Climate Change and Human Health


Aims & Scope


As the world’s climate negotiators convene for COP27, a key theme to be addressed is the impact of climate change on human health and evidence-based solutions and adaptation actions. To help build a strong and openly accessible evidence base for decision-making, PLOS Climate and PLOS Global Public Health are calling for submissions for a new Collection on ‘Climate Change and Human Health’. We welcome submissions of research that addresses all aspects of the intersection between climate and health, from the changing burden of communicable and non-communicable disease to the impacts of extreme events on health systems, as well as research that assesses potential adaptations to build healthier and more resilient societies. We especially encourage submissions of studies involving inter-/trans-disciplinary approaches and those which share perspectives from underrepresented global regions and communities.


Research topics:

  • Climate-informed decision support tools for the health sector
  • Infectious diseases, including vector-, food-, and water-borne diseases as well as zoonoses
  • Indigenous health and local communities
  • Impacts of extreme heat, cyclones, and other extreme weather events
  • Impacts of climate-related air, land, and water pollution
  • Disaster preparedness and response
  • Economic analyses of climate impacts on health and adaptation actions
  • Climate change impacts on mental health
  • Health aspects of climate-linked migration
  • Nutritional impacts of climate change
  • Impact of slow-onset changes such as sea-level rise and temperature change
  • Impacts on sexual, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health
  • Nexus of climate change, biodiversity, and health 
  • Health system responses related to climate change, including adaptation/resilience and mitigation/decarbonization
  • Political economy and global governance of climate and health
  • Intersectoral approaches (including Planetary/One/EcoHealth) to climate and health
  • Implementation research for resilient health systems
  • Analyses of adaptation plans
  • Health equity


 PLOS Climate and PLOS Global Public Health are calling for submissions for a new Collection on ‘Climate Change and Human Health’ for details of the call for papers please see the 'About' tab:

To submit to PLOS Global Public Health as part of this collection please visit here:

To submit to PLOS Climate as part of this collection please visit here: 

Collection Information