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    Review of 'Mpemba Effect- the Effect of Time'

    Mpemba Effect- the Effect of TimeCrossref
    If a time warp is the cause of the Mpemba effect, this paper does nothing to convince the reader.
    Average rating:
        Rated 1 of 5.
    Level of importance:
        Rated 1 of 5.
    Level of validity:
        Rated 1 of 5.
    Level of completeness:
        Rated 1 of 5.
    Level of comprehensibility:
        Rated 1 of 5.
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    Reviewed article

    • Record: found
    • Abstract: found
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    Is Open Access

    Mpemba Effect- the Effect of Time

    This paper concludes that " time is one of the properties of energy, which is the flow rate of energy from object to space or from space to object. When energy flows from object to space, the time on an object is proportional to the energy density inside the object and inversely proportional to the energy density of the space in which the object is located. When energy flows from space to object, the time on an object is inversely proportional to the energy density inside the object and is proportional to the energy density of the space in which the object is located” Using this time characteristic, the Mpemba effect and "inverse" Mpamba effect are analyzed and a reasonable explanation is given.

      Review information

      This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com.

      Mpemba effect, inverse Mpamba effect, nature of time , time

      Review text

      The Abstract promises a characteristic of time in an explanation of the Mpemba effect.  The author offers properties of time to include speed varied by strength of gravitational fields and energy density of space, providing convincing equations.  The Author’s linking paragraph from the Cosmic discussion of space and time to the Mpemba effect demonstration by Avinash Kumar and

      John Bechhoefer in their experiment [9] as “the embodiment of this characteristic of time”.  Even a cursory glance at this paper would reveal the time as used by them has properties of direction, start and finish and the intervals in between were measured in milliseconds.


      Time is not a property of energy, rather it is a popular parameter to study the rate of energy conversion.  A different rate of energy conversion could be the summer strength of sunlight in the Antarctic as Joules per square meter.  Or: “His falling speed was already fatally fast halfway down his fall”.  Here the parameter is percentage of fall height.


      It is unclear what is the Author’s definition of time.  In his explanation of the Mpemba effect he states:

       “… if the energy density of the space in which the objects are located remains constant, then the time on the high temperature object will be faster than on the low temperature object.”


      This appears to allude to a varying flow of time.  If it refers to elapsed time (i.e. shorter rather than faster) then the statement is using his conclusion as evidence to prove his conclusion.  The proverbial cart before the horse.


      In the Author’s conclusion he refers to a time effect: “The Mpemba effect is the time effect produced when heat flows from objects into space”, supporting the idea of a time curve that is not linear.


      The Cosmic discussion taking up most of his paper may well translate into a fascinating paper in its own right.  However, as evidence of the Mpemba effect, it fails.


      Heat transfer from one body to another body occurs only via the following three basic thermal mechanisms in Earth time:


      1. Convection

      There are the distinct areas of convective currents.

      • The surface area exposed to the cold air.
      • The water circulating in response to cooling.
      • The air circulating on the outside of the container.


      1. Conduction

      Heat must be conducted through the wall of the container and both the inside and outside film thicknesses which vary in thickness according to the velocity of circulation.


      1. Radiation

      Radiation loss can be expressed as follows:

      q = ε σ (Th4 - Tc4) Ah , in W/m2 ,   where

      Th = hot body absolute temperature (K)

      Tc = cold surroundings absolute temperature (K)

      Ah = area of the hot object (m2)

      ε   = 0.85 - 0.95 for Pyrex glass

           = 0.20 – 0.32 for steel
      = 5.6703 10-8 (W/m2K4) – (The Stefan-Boltzmann Constant)


      The Mpemba effect is an artifact of all three mechanisms in varying degrees and not the result of an interstellar time warp.  In addition, there are studies which consider:


      • Loss of water mass due to evaporation.
      • Supercooling where water samples are below 0O.
      • Convective flows induced by heat gradients still present during cooling.
      • Local nucleation of ice – freezing takes place early and locally on surface aberrations.
      • Dissolved gasses affecting cold water sample but not hot samples.
      • Hydrogen Molecules – Cluster of molecules disturbed by heating, needing time to regroup.
      • Entropy of sample shown higher upon cooling from hot condition.
      • 4th Phase of water, not solid nor liquid but in between, occurring at hydrophilic surfaces.
      • Frost under beaker can be found under the cold sample but melted under the hot sample.
      • Denial of the Mpenda effect altogether.


      A complete and comprehensive mechanism of the phenomenon has eluded the scientific community and the paper under review does little to advance a universal causation.  Meanwhile, the 20,000 people who responded to the Royal Society of Chemistry competition have a renewed interest in science.


      The author thinks that the reviewer's comments mainly point out that this article does not give an exact definition of time. 

      After careful consideration, the author now gives the following definition of time: “The time on a system (for example, the heat contained in an object in a vacuum, or the total deuterium tritium fusion energy contained in a star) is proportional to the energy per unit area outflow (or inflow) at unit observer’s time. The observer’s time is the time on the observer (such as an atomic clock on Earth).”

      According to Stefan-Boltzmann's law, the total energy radiated from a unit area of a black body with absolute temperature T in unit time (observer’s time) is

      B(T)=σT4                          (1)

      Where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (also known as the blackbody radiation constant), equal to 5.67×10-8W/(m2·K4), and T is the temperature of the blackbody.

      If we define n as the total number of photons radiated by the unit area of the blackbody with absolute temperature T in all directions of space in unit observer’s time, ν is the average frequency of the photons. t is the time on the observer, s is the surface area of the black body, and t’ is the time on the black body, then we have:

      t'∝ B(T)=σT4=nhν/st              (2)

      For two black bodies at temperatures T1 and T2, we have:

      t1' ∝ B(T1)=σT14=nhν1/st        (3)


      t2'∝B(T2)=σT24=nhν2/st            (4)

      From equations (3) and (4), it can be obtained:

      t1'/t2'=(T1/T2)4                             (5)

      If T1= 373K and T2= 293K, then we have:

      t1'/t2'=(T1/T2)4  =2.626

      If T1= 10000K, T2= 1000K, then:

      t1'/t2'=(T1/T2)4  =10000

      From the above analysis, we can conclude that the higher the temperature of the blackbody, the greater the average energy of the photons radiated by the blackbody, the faster the time passes on the blackbody, and the shorter the life of the system.

      Although the blackbody is only an ideal object, any object can be approximated as a blackbody, and its thermal radiation will follow Planck's law. According to Planck's law, the following relation between the radiance rate and wavelength of electromagnetic waves at various temperatures has been plotted:


      It is seen from the above figure that the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength of the maximum radiation rate λm, the greater the radiance I (λ, T) corresponding to the same wavelength. That is, the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength of the light quantum emitted by the object, the greater the radiation rate. The greater the radiation rate of the object, the faster the time on the object.

      According to the gravitational redshift of light, the higher the energy density in space, the lower the frequency of the light quantum emitted by the objects in space, so the higher the spatial energy density, the slower the time on the object in space.

      Because any system (such as the heat of an object, or the deuterium tritium nucleofusion energy of a star) is composed of quantums. So from the above analysis, we can conclude:

      1. The higher the temperature of the object, the greater the average energy of the light quantums emitted, the faster the time passes on the object and the shorter the life of the system.
      2. The higher the energy density of the space, the lower the average frequency of the light quantums radiated by the object in space, the slower the time on the object, and the longer the life of the system.
      2021-08-03 21:09 UTC

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