From the Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and
Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School (Y.B., F.B.H., E.L.G., M.J.S., W.C.W.,
C.S.F.), the Departments of Epidemiology (F.B.H., E.L.G., M.J.S., W.C.W.) and Nutrition
(F.B.H., E.L.G., M.J.S., W.C.W.), Harvard School of Public Health, and the Department
of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (C.S.F.) - all in Boston; and the
Department of Epidemiology, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, and Melvin
and Bren Simon Cancer Center, Indiana University, Indianapolis (J.H.).