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      diffusion, coronary care, medical technological services


            Although technological change processes in agriculture and industry have been extensively studied, studies of technological change processes in the service sector are, to date, limited in number. In this paper, findings of a case study of the diffusion of coronary care facilities in the Australian hospital sector are presented and discussed. Comparisons are drawn with other studies of innovation and diffusion in both profit and not-for-profit settings in this country and overseas. A review of the history of treatment for coronary heart disease serves to emphasise that technologies, thought to be of worth, are too often introduced only to be later discarded. Comprehensive technology assessment is proposed as a viable alternative to the ad hoc approach which presently characterises the adoption of medical innovations.


            Author and article information

            Critical Studies in Innovation
            Pluto Journals
            June 1984
            : 2
            : 1
            : 73-92
            8628954 Prometheus, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1984: pp. 73–92
            Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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            Page count
            Figures: 0, Tables: 0, References: 79, Pages: 20
            Original Articles

            Computer science,Arts,Social & Behavioral Sciences,Law,History,Economics
            medical technological services,diffusion,coronary care


            1. M. Abramovitz, ‘Resource and output trends in the United States since 1870’, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 46, 2, 1956, pp. 5–23; R. Solow, ‘Technical change and the aggregate production function’, Review of Economics and Statistics, 39, August 1957, pp. 312–20.

            2. C.F. Carter and B.R. Williams, Industry and Technical Progress: Factors Governing the Speed of Application of Science, Oxford University Press, London, 1957; M. Blaug, ‘A survey of the theory of process innovations’, Economica, 30, February 1963, pp. 13–32; S. Davies, The Diffusion of Process Innovations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1979.

            3. Somers G., Cushman E. and Weinberg N.. 1963. . Adjusting to Technologicl Change . , New York : : Harper and Row. .

            4. Studies of technological change in agriculture include B. Ryan and N.C. Gross, ‘The diffusion of hybrid seed corn in two Iowa communities’, Rural Sociology, 8, 1943, pp. 15–24; and Z. Griliches, ‘Hyrbid corn: an exploration in the economics of technological change’, Econometrica, 25, 1957, pp. 501–22. Technology diffusion in USA industries (railroads, brewing, bituminous coal, iron and steel) was surveyed by E. Mansfield, ‘Technical change and the rate of imitation’, Econometrica, 29, 1961, pp. 741–66.

            5. P. Stubbs, Innovation and Research: A Study in Australian Industry, F. W. Cheshire, Melbourne, 1968; International Technical Services, A Study of the Rate of Diffusion of New Technology within Australian Industry, Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS), Canberra, 1972.

            6. C.N. Anderson and R.J. Stalker, ‘Technology change in the Australian sugar industry’, paper to Ninth Conference of Economists, Brisbane, August 1980; S. Macdonald and D.M. Lamberton, ‘Tradition in Transition: Technological Change and Employment in Australian Trading Banks’, Australian Computer Journal, 15, 4, 1983, pp. 128–39; S. Macdonald and T. Mandeville, ‘Diffusion and Employment Effects of Word Processors in Australia’, Working Paper in Economics No. 21, Department of Economics, University of Queensland, March 1980.

            7. Baume P.. 1979. . ‘Australian health expenditure and political realities of gross domestic product’. . Search . , Vol. 10((11)): 377––81. .

            8. American studies of medical innovation have discussed the diffusion of chemotherapy for terminal illness, the implementation of mandated administrative innovations and the adoption by hospitals in the United States of modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. K.E. Warner, The Diffusion of Leukemia Chemotherapy in Connecticut — A Study in the Non-Market Economics of Medical Care (Ph.D. thesis, Yale, 1974); Simmons, H., Professional Standards Review Organisation: An Instrument for Quality Assurance in Health Care Delivery, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD, Paris, 1975; L.B. Russell, Technology in Hospitals: Medical Advances and their Diffusion, Brookings Institution, Washington DC, 1979. European researchers have studied drug adoption, preventive screening tests and communications-oriented health technologies. M. Dupuy and M. Gibert, Forces Governing the Dissemination of Drug Innovation Among Doctors in Private Practice; A. Lindgren, Health Screenings; Y. Jokinen, Regional Data Communication System for Health Care; Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD, Paris, 1975.

            9. Piachaud D.. 1979. . ‘The diffusion of medical techniques to less developed countries’. . International Journal of Health Services . , Vol. 9((4)): 629––41. .

            10. Material presented in this paper is based on the author's M. Econ. thesis, Medical Technology in Australia: A Study of Innovative Health Care Technologies and their Diffusion in the Australian Service Sector (University of Queensland, July 1983).

            11. W. B. Kouwenhoven, ‘The development of the defibrillator’, Annals of Internal Medicine, 71, 3, 1969, pp. 449–58; C.S. Beck, W.H. Pritchard and H.S. Feil, ‘Ventricular fibrillation of long duration abolished by electric shock’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 135, 1947, pp. 985–6; C.S. Beck, E.C. Weckesser and F.M. Barry, ‘Fatal heart attack and successful defibrillation’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 161, 5, 1956, pp. 434–6; P. Samet, Cardiac Pacing, Grune and Stratton, New York, 1973.

            12. H. W. Day, ‘History of coronary care units’, American Journal of Cardiology, 30, September 1972, pp. 405–7; L.E. Meltzer and A.J. Dunning (eds), Textbook of Coronary Care, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1972, pp. 3–25; K.W.G. Brown, R.L. Macmillan, N. Forbath, F. Mel'grano and J.W. Scott, ‘Coronary unit; an intensive-care centre for acute myocardial infarction’, Lancet, 2, 17 August 1963, pp. 349–52.

            13. Julian D. G., Valentine P. A. and Miller G. G.. 1964. . ‘Routine electrocardiographic monitoring in acute myocardial infarction’. . Medical Journal of Australia . , Vol. 1((12)): 433––6. .

            14. J.S. Robinson, G. Sloman and C. McRae, ‘Continuous electrocardiographic monitoring in the early stages after acute myocardial infarction’, Medical Journal of Australia, 1, 12, 1964, pp. 427–32; G. Sloman, M. Stannard and A.J. Goble, ‘Coronary care unit: a review of 300 patients monitored since 1963’, American Heart Journal, 75, 1, 1968, pp. 140–3.

            15. Russell, op. cit.

            16. A. Sorkin, Health Economics, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1975, p. 82.

            17. E.g., B. Lown, ‘Controversies in cardiology — the coronary care unit (Part 1)’, American Journal of Cardiology, 22, October 1968, pp. 597–9; A. Selzer, ‘Controversies in cardiology — the coronary care unit (Part 2)’, American Journal of Cardiology, 22, October 1968, pp. 599–602; M. O'Rourke, ‘Myocardial infarction — then, now and hence’, Medical Journal of Australia, 1, 23 April 1977, pp. 609–11.

            18. Julian, Valentine and Miller, op. cit.; A.J. Goble, G. Sloman and J.S. Robinson, ‘Mortality reduction in a coronary care unit’, British Medical Journal, 1, 23 April 1966, pp. 1005–9; H.W. Day, ‘Effectiveness of an intensive coronary care area’, American Journal of Cardiology, 15, January 1965, pp. 51–4.

            19. Goble, Sloman and Robinson, op. cit.; N. Restieaux, C. Bray, H. Ballard, M. Murray, J. Robinson, W. Brigden and L. McDonald, ‘150 patients with cardiac infarction treated in a coronary unit’, Lancet, 1, 17 June 1967, pp. 1285–9; M. Thomas, D.E. Jewitt and J.P. Shillingford, ‘Analysis of 150 patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted to an intensive care and study unit’, British Medical Journal, 1, 30 March 1968, pp. 787–90; D.M. Laurie, T.W. Greenwood, M. Goddard, A.C. Harvey, K.W. Donald, D.G. Julian and M.F. Oliver, ‘A coronary-care unit in the routine management of acute myocardial infarction’, Lancet, 2, 15 July 1967, pp. 109–14.

            20. B. L. Chapman, ‘Hospital mortality of myocardial infarction before and after coronary care’, Medical Journal of Australia, 1, 25 April 1970, pp. 833–7; K. Astvad, N. Fabricius-Bjerre, J. Kjaerulff and J. Lindholm, ‘Mortality from acute myocardial infarction before and after establishment of a coronary care unit’, British Medical Journal, 1, 23 March 1974, pp. 567–9.

            21. Norris R. M., Lee A. J. and Brandt P. W.T.. 1969. . ‘Mortality in a coronary-care unit analysed by a new coronary prognostic index’. . Lancet . , Vol. 1: 8 February;: 278––81. .

            22. R.L. MacMillan and K.W.G. Brown, ‘Comparison of the effects of treatment of acute myocardial infarction in a coronary unit and on a general medical ward’, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 105, 20 November 1971, pp. 1037–40; J.D. Hill, G. Holdstock and J.R. Hampton, ‘Comparisons of mortality of patients with heart attacks admitted to a coronary care unit and an ordinary medical ward’, British Medical Journal, 2, 9 July 1977, pp. 81–3.

            23. H.G. Mather, N.G. Pearson, K.L.Q. Read et al., ‘Acute myocardial infarction: home and hospital treatment’, British Medical Journal, 3, 1971, pp. 334–8; H.G. Mather, D.C. Morgan, N.G. Pearson et al., ‘Myocardial infarction: a comparison between home and hospital care for patients’, British Medical Journal, 1, 1976, pp. 925–9; D.E. Lunn, ‘Home care in myocardial infarction’, Australian Family Physician, 6, September 1977, pp. 1161–9; J.D. Hill, J.R. Hampton and J.R.A. Mitchell, ‘A randomised trial of home-versus-hospital management for patients with suspected myocardial infarction’, Lancet, 1, 22 April 1978, pp. 837–41.

            24. G. Rose, ‘The contribution of intensive coronary care’, British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, 29, 1975, pp. 147–50; R. Stillerman, R.F. Aldrich, R.C. McCormack and R.S. Crampton, ‘Coronary artery disease (CAD) death in a community before and after the advent of hospital coronary care units (CCU)’, Abstract, Supplement II, Circulation, 41–42, 4 October 1970, p. 202; R. Reader, ‘Incidence and prevalence of ischaemic heart disease in Australia’, Medical Journal of Australia, Special Supplement, 2, 12 August 1972, pp. 3–9; W.J. Walker, ‘Changing U.S. lifestyle and declining vascular mortality: cause or coincidence?’, New England Journal of Medicine, 297, 3, 21 July 1977, pp. 163–5; C. Du, V. Florey, R.J.W. Melia and S.C. Darby, ‘Changing mortality from ischaemic heart disease in Great Britain 1968–1976’, British Medical Journal, 1, 11 March 1978, pp. 635–7.

            25. Julian D. G.. 1968. . ‘Coronary care and the community’. . Annals of Internal Medicine . , Vol. 69((3)) September;: 607––13. .

            26. M. Szklo, R. Goldberg, H. Kennedy, J. Tonascia and L. Naggan, ‘Time trends in prognosis of myocardial infarction’, Abstract, Circulation, 53 and 54, Supplement No. 2, 1976, p. 129.

            27. Rose, op. cit.

            28. Hunt D., Sloman G., Christie D. and Penington C.. 1977. . ‘Changing patterns and mortality of acute myocardial infarction in a coronary care unit’. . British Medical Journal . , Vol. 1: 26 March;: 795––8. .

            29. Thompson P. L.. 1977. . ‘Causes of Reduced Mortality in Myocardial Infarction’. . Medical Journal of Australia . , Vol. 2: 13 August;: 200––1. .

            30. Goble A. J.. 1977. . ‘Causes of reduced mortality in myocardial infarction’. . Medical Journal of Australia . , Vol. 2: 15 October;: 547

            31. Ghapman, op. cit.

            32. Astvad, Fabricius-Bjerre, Kjaerulff and Lindholm, op. cit.

            33. MacMillan and Brown, op. cit.

            34. Hill, Holdstock and Hampton, op. cit.

            35. Sloman G.. 1969. . ‘Changing concepts in the care of patients with acute myocardial infarction’. . Medical Journal of Australia . , Vol. 1: 7 June;: 1157––65. .

            36. Mather, Pearson, Read et al., op. cit.

            37. Mather, Morgan, Pearson et al., op. cit.

            38. Hill, Hampton and Mitchell, op. cit.

            39. Lunn, op. cit.

            40. Stillerman, Aldrich, McCormack and Crampton, op. cit.

            41. Rose, op. cit.

            42. Reader, op. cit.

            43. Christie D.. 1974. . ‘Mortality from cardiovascular disease’. . Medical Journal of Australia . , Vol. 1: 16 March;: 390––3. .

            44. Cilento P. D.. 1977. . ‘Causes of reduced mortality in myocardial infarction’. . Medical Journal of Australia . , Vol. 2: 5 November;: 653

            45. Walker, op. cit.

            46. Du, Florey, Melia and Darby, op. cit.

            47. Weinberg S. L.. 1978. . ‘Intermediate coronary care: observations on the validity of the concept’. . Chest . , Vol. 73((2)) February;: 154––7. .

            48. M. Shanahan, ‘One stage at a time — evaluation of nursing care of the patient with acute myocardial infarction in the emergency room and coronary and postcoronary care units’, Quality Review Bulletin, September 1976, pp. 17–23, 28–31.

            49. C. Bain, Australian Ambulance Services: A Survey of their Organisation, Funding, Staffing, Training and Equipment…, Australian Medical Association Road Safety Committee, Sydney, December 1974.

            50. Wilson C. and Pantridge J. F.. 1973. . ‘ST-segment displacement and early hospital discharge in acute myocardial infarction’. . Lancet . , Vol. 2: 8 December;: 1284––8. .

            51. Weinberg, op. cit.

            52. A.A.J. Adgey, P.G. Nelson, M.E. Scott et al., ‘Management of ventricular fibrillation outside hospital’, Lancet, 1, 14 June 1969, pp. 1169–71; N.L. Sammel, K. Taylor, M. Selig and M.F. O'Rourke, ‘New South Wales intensive care ambulance system: outcome of patients with ventricular fibrillation’, Medical Journal of Australia, 2, 14 November 1981, pp. 546–50.

            53. Staff of the Cardio-Vascular Units at St. Vincent's and the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, ‘Modified coronary ambulances’, Medical Journal of Australia, 1, 22 April 1973, pp. 875–8.

            54. Crampton R. S., Aldrich R. F., Gascho J. A., Miles J. R. and Stillerman R.. 1975. . ‘Reduction of prehospital, ambulance and community coronary death rates by the community-wide emergency cardiac care system’. . American Journal of Medicine . , Vol. 58: February;: 151––64. .

            55. Siltanen P., Sundberg S. and Hytönen I.. 1979. . ‘Impact of a mobile coronary care unit on the sudden coronary mortality in a community’. . Acta Medica Scandinavia . , Vol. 205:: 195––200. .

            56. Hampton J. R.. 1976. . ‘Importance of patient selection in evaluating a cardiac ambulance service’. . British Medical Journal . , Vol. 1: 24 January;: 201––3. .

            57. Stubbs, op. cit., Chapter 3.

            58. International Technical Services, op. cit.

            59. A.D. Kaluzny, J.H. Glasser, J.T. Gentry and J. Sprague, ‘Diffusion of innovative health care services in the United States: A study of hospitals’. Medical Care, 8, 6, November-December 1970, pp. 474–87; Russell, op. cit., A. Sutherland, ‘The diffusion of an innovation in cotton spinning’, Journal of Industrial Economics, 7, 1959, pp. 118–35; J. S. Metcalfe, ‘Diffusion of an innovation in the Lancashire textile industry’, Manchester School, June 1970, pp. 145–62.

            60. E. Pemberton, ‘The curve of culture diffusion rate’, American Sociological Review, 1, August 1934, pp. 547–56; Mansfield, op. cit.

            61. Ray G. F.. 1972. . ‘On defining “diffusion” of new technology’. . Business Economist . , Vol. 4((2)): 82––8. .

            62. Nasbeth L. and Ray G. F.. 1974. . The Diffusion of New Industrial Processes: An International Study . , p. 297––8. . Cambridge : : Cambridge University Press. .

            63. Mansfield, op. cit.

            64. Coleman J., Katz E. and Menzel H.. 1957. . ‘Diffusion of an innovation among physicians’. . Sociometry . , Vol. 20: December;: 253––70. .

            65. Kaluzny, Glasser, Gentry and Sprague, op. cit.

            66. Warner K. E.. 1975. . ‘A “desperation-reaction” model of medical diffusion’. . Health Services Research . , Vol. 10: Winter;: 369––83. .

            67. Russell L. B.. 1976. . ‘The diffusion of new hospital technologies in the United States’. . International Journal of Health Services . , Vol. 6((4)): 557––79. .

            68. Rogers E. M.. 1962. . Diffusion of Innovations . , p. 121––47. . London : : The Free Press of Glencoe. .

            69. L.M. Bernstein, V.H. Beaven, J.R. Kimberly and M.K. Moch, ‘Attributes of innovations in medical technology and the diffusion process’ in G. Gordon and G.L. Fisher (eds), The Diffusion of Medical Technology: Policy and Research Planning Perspectives, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge University Press, Massachusetts, 1975, pp. 79–95.

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            72. Honey G. E. and Truelove S. C.. 1957. . ‘Prognostic factors in myocardial infarction’. . Lancet . , Vol. 1: 15 June;: 1209––12. .

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            74. ‘Assessment of short-term anticoagulant administration after cardiac infarction’, British Medical Journal, 1, 8 February 1969, pp. 335–42.

            75. Mittra B.. 1965. . ‘Potassium, glucose and insulin in treatment of myocardial infarction’. . Lancet . , Vol. 2: 25 September;: 607––9. .

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            77. C.W. Irwin Jr. and A.M. Burgess, ‘The abuse of bed rest in the treatment of myocardial infarction’, New England Journal of Medicine, 243, 13, 1950, pp. 486–9; P. Brummer, E. Linko and A. Kasanen, ‘Myocardial infarction treated by early ambulation’, American Heart Journal, 52, 2, 1956, pp. 269–72.

            78. Levine S. A. and Lown B.. 1952. . ‘“Armchair” treatment of acute coronary thrombosis’. . Journal of the American Medical Association . , Vol. 148((16)): 1365––9. .

            79. Hiatt H. H.. 1975. . ‘Protecting the medical commons: who is responsible?’. . New England Journal of Medicine . , Vol. 293((5)): 235––40. .


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