Journal of Evolutionary Economics (Springer Verlag).
See, for example, K. Boulding, Evolutionary Economics, Sage, Beverley Hills, CA, 1981; G. M. Hodgson, Economics and Evolution, U.K. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, 1993; U. Witt, Evolutionary Economics, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, Hants, 1993; L. Magnussen and J. Ottosson, Evolutionary Economics and Path Dependence, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, Hants, 1997.
J. Robinson, ‘History versus equilibrium’, in J. Robinson, Collected Economic Papers, Vol. 5, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979.
E. L. Khalil, ‘The Janus hypothesis’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 21, 2, 1998/9, pp. 315–41 (335).
R. R. Nelson and S. G. Winter, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982.
T. B. Veblen, ‘Why is economics not an evolutionary science?’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 12, 1898, pp. 374–97.
A. Marshall, Industry and Trade, Macmillan, London, 1919.
Perhaps, though, the distinction between Darwinism and Lamarckism is not so clear cut in human social evolution. For example, Darwinian natural selection can be seen to operate on ‘varieties’ of economic behaviour, however generated. See John Nightingale’s chapter in J. Laurent and J. Nightingale (eds), Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, forthcoming.