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      Neo-Orientalism and the Neo-Imperialism Thesis: Post-9/11 US and Arab World Relationship

      Arab Studies Quarterly
      Pluto Journals
      post 9/11, terrorist attacks, neo-Orientalism, imperialism, terrorism, Arab, America, culture


            Post-9/11 American neo-Orientalist representations pervade today's politics and journalism about the Arab World. Since the first emergence of the Middle East representation in American writings of the nineteenth century, one can assume that nothing has changed in representations of the Middle East in the US. This article explores a twenty-first century phenomenon called “neo-Orientalism,” a style of representation that, while indebted to classical Orientalism, focuses on “othering” the Arab world with the exclusion of some geographic parts, such as India and Turkey, from the classical map of Orientalism. Although neo-Orientalism represents a shift in the selection of its subject and locale, it nonetheless reproduces certain repetitions of and conceptual continuities with its precursor. Like classical Orientalism, neo-Orientalism is a monolithic discourse based on binarism between the superior American values and the inferior Arab culture.


            Author and article information

            Arab Studies Quarterly
            Pluto Journals
            Fall 2014
            : 36
            : 4
            : 313-323
            © 2014 The Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


            Social & Behavioral Sciences
            America,culture,terrorist attacks,post 9/11,neo-Orientalism,imperialism,terrorism,Arab


            1. Symbolic power accounts for discipline used against the other to confirm that individual's placement in a social hierarchy. It is also referred to as “soft” power, and symbolic power includes actions that have discriminatory or injurious meaning or implications, such as gender dominance and racism. While symbolic power requires a dominator, it also requires the dominated to accept their position in the exchange of social value that occurs between them.

            2. Grand strategy, also called high strategy, comprises the purposeful employment of all instruments of power available to a security community. The role of grand strategy is to co-ordinate and direct all the resources of a nation, or band of nations, toward the attainment of the political object of the war—the goal defined by fundamental policy.

            3. Full-spectrum dominance is where a military structure achieves control over all elements of the battle space using land-based (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_warfare), air-based (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_warfare), maritime-based (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_warfare), space-based (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_warfare), and cyber-based (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_warfare) assets. Full-spectrum dominance includes the physical battle space, air, surface, and sub-surface as well as the electromagnetic spectrum and information space (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_warfare). Control implies that freedom of opposition force assets to exploit the battle space is wholly constrained.


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