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      Cuba as a Hemispheric Petropower: Prospects and Consequences

      International Journal of Cuban Studies
      Pluto Journals
      oil, Cuba, US, international relations, economy, power


            This article provides an overview of the evolving situation with regard to Cuba's oil prospects and explores the implications, especially with regard to Havana's foreign relations, of Cuba's potential emergence as a hemispheric petropower. It begins with an assessment of the size of the reserves and the problems of exploiting them. It then analyses the impact of the discovery of sizeable reserves on the Cuban economy and the concerns that this may raise with the US. There follows a discussion of the possible implications of Cuba becoming a petropower on international relations within the Caribbean and with Washington in particular. The article concludes that overall, the exploitation of large quantities of oil in Cuban waters of the Caribbean will be a positive development both for the Cuban economy and the relationship with the US.


            Author and article information

            International Journal of Cuban Studies
            Pluto Journals
            1 July 2019
            : 11
            : 1 ( doiID: 10.13169/intejcubastud.11.issue-1 )
            : 43-60
            Indiana State University, USA
            Author notes

            H. Michael Erisman, until his retirement, was Professor of Political Science at Indiana State University and is the author of numerous publications about Cuba's international relations, Cuban Health Care and Medical Internationalism.

            © International Institute for the Study of Cuba

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            Custom metadata

            Literary studies,Arts,Social & Behavioral Sciences,History,Cultural studies,Economics
            Cuba,power,oil,US,international relations,economy


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