Beeyali is a research project exploring new methods for visualising the calls of wildlife on Kabi Kabi Country, the traditional lands, and waters of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. The project brings together Indigenous knowledge, environmental research, emerging technology, photography and sound to visualise wildlife calls using cymatics, the science of visualising acoustic energy or sound. The first phase of the project focuses on the calls of Black Cockatoos through a series of experiments to reveal cymatics with organic materials and digital technology.
L. BarclayT. Gifford, and S. Linke (2020). Interdisciplinary approaches to freshwater ecoacoustics. Freshwater Science, 39(2), 356–361.
M. Burtner (2011). EcoSono: Adventures in interactive ecoacoustics in the world. Organised Sound, 16(3), 234–244.
J. DeichmannO. Acevedo-CharryL. BarclayZ. BurivalovaM. Campos-CerqueiraF. d’HortaE. GameB. GottesmanP. HartA. KalanS. LinkeL. NascimentoE. Staaterman and T. Aide. (2018). It’s time to listen: There is much to be learned from the sounds of tropical ecosystems. Biotropica 50:719–178.
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R. GrillottiA. DiLallo and A. G. Forbes (2020). Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry. Leonardo, 53(4), 401–407.
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T. King (2021). Remembering and forgetting: Using photographs as social artefacts in an aged care setting, Visual Studies, DOI: [Cross Ref]
S. LinkeT. GiffordC. DesjonquèresD. TonollaT. AubinL. BarclayC. KaraconstantisM. KennardF. Rybak, and J. Sueur (2018). Continuous monitoring of freshwater environments using underwater passive acoustics. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
D. Monacchi (2016). A Philosophy of Eco-acoustics in the Interdisciplinary Project Fragments of Extinction. In F. BianchiV.J. Manzo (Eds), Environmental Sound Artists, Oxford University Press, New York.
R. Murray Schafer. (1977). The Tuning of the World. USA: Random House.
D. TeixeiraR. HillM. BarthM. Maron and B. J. van Rensburg (2021) Vocal signals of ontogeny and fledging in nestling black-cockatoos: Implications for monitoring. Bioacoustics.
S. Voegelin (2014). Sonic Possible Worlds: Hearing the Continuum of Sound. Bloomsbury Academic.