Technologies like chatbots or voice assistants that users encounter and interact with in a social manner, or an alterity relationship, become more and more widespread and gain relevancy. However, approaches that make use of the unique qualities of machines in social situations instead of the attempt to replicate humans are still infant and need further research and application. To approach this topic, otherware should be understood further, through case studies and the development of methods and tools to design appropriate, non-anthropomorphic applications and interactions. Furthermore, applying speculative methods such as anticipative ethnography, but also through materialised examples, the design of otherware leading to positive experiences should be explored.
Lucy Anderson-BashanBenny MegidishHadas ErelIddo WaldGuy HoffmanOren ZuckermanAndrey Grishko 2018 The Greeting Machine: An Abstract Robotic Object for Opening Encounters 2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 595 602
Sheryl BrahnamAntonella De Angeli 2012 Gender affordances of conversational agents Interacting with Computers 24 3 139 153
StuartKelly Kornet Candy 2017 Turnign Foresight Inside Out: An Introduction to Ethnographic Experiential Futures – A Manifesto for Decolonising Design Journal of Futures Studies 23 March 2019 3 22
Mark Coeckelbergh 2011 You, robot: On the linguistic construction of artificial others AI and Society 26 1 61 69
J DörrenbächerD LöfflerM Hassenzahl 2020 Becoming a Robot – Overcoming Anthropomorphism with Techno-Mimesis CHI 2020, April 25–30, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA 1 12
Paul Dourish 2001 Where the Action Is. The Foundations of Embodied Interaction MIT Press Cambridge, MA, USA
Andrea L Guzman 2017 Making AI Safe for Humans: A Conversation With Siri Socialbots and their friends: Digital media and the automation of sociality R.W GehlM Bakardjieva Routledge New York, NY, USA 69 85
Marc HassenzahlJan BorchersSusanne BollAstrid Rosenthal-von der PüttenVolker Wulf 2021 Otherware: how to best interact with autonomous systems Interactions 28 1 54 57
Don Ihde 1990 Technology and the Lifeworld Indiana University Press Bloomington
Matthias LaschkeRobin NeuhausJudith DörrenbächerMarc HassenzahlVolker WulfAstrid Rosenthal-von der PüttenJan BorchersSusanne Boll 2020 Otherware needs Otherness: Understanding and Designing Artificial Counterparts Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society 1 4
Matthias LaschkeRobin NeuhausMarc HassenzahlClaudius Lazzeroni 2020 Improvising with Machines – Designing Artistic Non-Human Actors Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 1 7
Joseph LindleyDhruv SharmaRoberts Potts 2014 Anticipatory Ethnography: Design Fiction as an Input to Design Ethnography Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings 2014 1 237 253
Diana LöfflerJudith DörrenbächerJulika WelgeMarc Hassenzahl 2020 Hybridity as Design Strategy for Service Robots to Become Domestic Products Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 1 8
R NeuhausE LenzS.S BorojeniM Hassenzahl 2019 Exploring the future experience of automated “valet parking” – A user enactment Proceedings - 11th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2019
Robin NeuhausMatthias LaschkeDimitra Theofanou-FülbierMarc HassenzahlShadan Sadeghian 2019 Exploring the impact of transparency on the interaction with an in-car digital AI assistant Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications: Adjunct Proceedings 450 455
Alex SciutoArnita SainiJodi ForlizziJason I Hong 2018 “Hey Alexa, What’s Up?” Proceedings of the 2018 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018 - DIS ’18 857 868
Julika WelgeMarc Hassenzahl 2016 Better Than Human: About the Psychological Superpowers of Robots Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Arvin AgahJohn-John Cabibihan, Ayanna M. Howard, Miguel A. Salichs and Hongsheng He Springer International Publishing Cham 993 1002