Self-directed learning is a critical requirement in adult education, which stresses the importance of appropriate learning environments, to support this process. Moreover, motivation of learners is critical for the acquisition of knowledge in a self-directed manner. Gamification, theoretically framed by self-determination theory, provides a framework to address learners’ three basic psychological needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness and might therefore benefit motivation in the long term. We conducted a theory-based approach for an experimental comparison, which was pre-registered. To this end, we implemented a learning environment with gamified adaptions including a narrative, a pedagogical agent and allowing choice in the course of the learning environment to address the three basic psychological needs as proposed by self-determination theory, with a focus on autonomy and relatedness. In a user study, we compared the gamified learning environment with a control version to examine the effect of the gamification elements on need satisfaction and situational motivation. Our results show that the need for autonomy was significantly better addressed within the presented gamified learning environment, but no other significant positive effects on motivational, cognitive or behavioural outcomes can be determined.
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