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      Deep Learning based Human Detection in Privacy-Preserved Surveillance Videos

      , , , ,
      35th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI2022)
      Towards a Human-Centred Digital Society
      July 11th to 13th, 2022
      CCTV Videos, GDPR, Object Detection, Privacy Preserving Surveillance, YOLO


            Visual surveillance systems have been improving rapidly over the recent past, becoming more capable and pervasive with incorporation of artificial intelligence. At the same time such surveillance systems are exposing the public to new privacy and security threats. There have been an increasing number of reports of blatant abuse of surveillance technologies. To counteract this, data privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR in Europe) have provided guidelines for data collection and data processing. However, there is still a need for a private and secure method of model training for advanced machine learning and deep learning algorithms. To this end, in this paper we propose a privacy-preserved method for visual surveillance. We first develop a dataset of privacy preserved videos. The data in these videos is masked using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and selective encryption. We then train high-performance object detection models on the generated dataset. The proposed method utilizes state-of-art object detection deep learning models (viz. YOLO v4 and YOLO v5) to perform human/object detection in masked videos. The results are encouraging, and are pointers to the viability of the use of modern day deep learning models for object detection in privacy-preserved videos.


            Author and article information

            July 2022
            July 2022
            : 1-7
            [0001]Software Research Institute

            TU Shannon: Midlands Midwest

            Athlone, Ireland
            [0002]School of Computing and Mathematics

            Keele University

            United Kingdom
            [0003]Faculty of Science and Engineering

            University of Chester

            United Kingdom
            [0004]School of Computer Science

            National University of Ireland Galway

            © Yousuf et al. Published by BCS Learning & Development. Proceedings of the 35th British HCI and Doctoral Consortium 2022, UK

            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

            35th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference
            Keele, Staffordshire
            July 11th to 13th, 2022
            Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)
            Towards a Human-Centred Digital Society

            1477-9358 BCS Learning & Development

            Self URI (article page): https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14236/ewic/HCI2022.33
            Self URI (journal page): https://ewic.bcs.org/
            Electronic Workshops in Computing

            Applied computer science,Computer science,Security & Cryptology,Graphics & Multimedia design,General computer science,Human-computer-interaction
            Object Detection,CCTV Videos,GDPR,YOLO,Privacy Preserving Surveillance


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