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      Authentication of GOOSE Messages under Timing Constraints in IEC 61850 Substations

      , ,
      6th International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2019 (ICS-CSR)
      Cyber Security Research
      10th-12th September 2019
      Cyber-physical security, authentication, RSA, HMAC, electrical substations, IEC 61850, IEC 62351, GOOSE


            For the future generation of energy systems, secure communication is a key component in ensuring a reliable and stable operation. The actual respective standard to define the communication network architectures for substation automation is the IEC 61850. In order to address the shortcomings of IEC 61850 w.r.t. communication security, IEC 62351-6 introduces respective recommendations. However, a thorough analysis of these recommendations shows that the authenticity and integrity of time-critical protocols such as Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages are not entirely covered by the proposed security measures. Therefore, in the present contribution, implementation of the RSASSA-PSS and HMAC-SHA256 authentication are investigated for the given context. Comparison with previous works is provided and obtained results show that the HMAC scheme has a better computational time than the recommended RSASSA-PSS. Thus, adjustment of the IEC 62351-6 considering the authentication of GOOSE messages shall be considered in the next edition of the standard.


            Author and article information

            September 2019
            September 2019
            : 137-143
            [0001]Institute of Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)

            Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

            Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,

            76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

            © Ghada Elbez et al. Published by BCS Learning and Development Ltd. 6th International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2019

            This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

            6th International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2019
            Athens, Greece
            10th-12th September 2019
            Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC)
            Cyber Security Research

            1477-9358 BCS Learning & Development

            Self URI (article page): https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14236/ewic/icscsr19.17
            Self URI (journal page): https://ewic.bcs.org/
            Electronic Workshops in Computing

            Applied computer science,Computer science,Security & Cryptology,Graphics & Multimedia design,General computer science,Human-computer-interaction
            IEC 61850,IEC 62351,GOOSE,electrical substations,HMAC,RSA,authentication,Cyber-physical security


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