The increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus is contributing to the search for new opportunities in the prevention and treatment of this chronic systemic disease at the level of the macroorganism-microbiota relationship [1]. The development of systems biology technologies, such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics (OMICS technologies), to study the microbiome and metabolome of a macroorganism expands the possibilities of predictive diagnostics and the integral assessment of the state of the macroorganism-microbiome system based on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microbiota and its impact on the metabolic processes in the human body [2, 3].
Human blood is saturated with microbial metabolites that are in dynamic equilibrium with intracellular metabolites produced by human cells [4]. Blood also contains chemical compounds introduced from the external environment with food, water, inhaled air, and substances produced by the microbiota, which are products of the lysis of microorganisms. All of these chemical compounds comprise the human metabolome that is divided into the metabolome of its own cells and exposome – something that is introduced from the external environment and affects the metabolic processes of the macroorganism. The study of the effect of the exposome on human metabolism using a systematic approach and methods of multivariate statistics has developed into one of the new, independent technologies - exposomics. The core of the exposome consists of the microorganisms’ metabolites and the lysis products of microorganisms [5]. The lipid composition of microorganisms is highly specific, which makes it possible to identify bacteria by their chemical composition [6]. Determination of the concentration of certain molecules in the blood makes it possible to study the microbiome-associated exposome: concentrations of the chemical compounds of microbial origin carry information about the changes in the ratio of microorganisms in the microbiome, permeability of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), and intensity of the inflammatory processes and other processes of interaction between the microbiome and macroorganism [6].
The goal of this study was to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the state of the microbiome in elderly people with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders using the criteria of microbiome-associated exposomics. To achieve this goal, we had to meet the following objectives: 1) determine the specificity of the interaction between the microbiome and the macroorganism by the integral indicators of endotoxemia as well as by the ratio of chemical compounds that characterize the activity of the main phylotypes of the human microbiome, and to assess the structure of the microbiome in patients with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders; 2) to establish the relationship between the biochemical parameters of blood and the indicators of microbiome-associated exposomics in patients with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
The single blood samples taken from outpatients in the consulting and diagnostic center of the Russian Clinical and Research Center of Gerontology at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University were studied in this project. The study was conducted within the framework of the scientific program “Active longevity” of the Russian Clinical and Research Center of Gerontology. All of the patients signed an informed consent to participate in the study. In the course of this project, we examined 163 blood samples from patients with an average age of 68.1±1.7 years, of which 48 (29%) were females and 115 (71%) were males. Accounting for the differences in age, gender, and body weight in the experimental and control group did not lead to any statistically significant distribution of the study results. All of the patients were on sulfonylurea and biguanide drugs for the hypoglycemic therapy. The patients in a critical condition as well as those on insulin therapy were excluded from the study. The exclusion criteria also included the presence of a severe intestinal infection. Blood samples were divided into 4 groups depending on the type of metabolic disorder (Table 1).
Group designation | Group size, number of people | Description of the patients’ disorders (Patients’ diagnoses) |
DM2+DLP | 67 | Combination of dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with combined disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. |
DLP | 39 | Dyslipidemia. Patients with lipid metabolism disorders. |
DM2 | 39 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. |
C | 18 | Control group. Patients without disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. |
DM2 – type 2 diabetes mellitus, DLP – dyslipidemia, C – control
The diagnoses were made by an endocrinologist based on the results of a clinical and anamnestic examination and biochemical blood tests. Gender differences were not taken into account.
Biochemical analysis of the patients’ blood
The levels of the following biochemical parameters were determined in the patient’s blood samples: concentration of glucose, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Venous blood collected from patients after fasting 12 h (not earlier than 12 h after the last meal) was centrifuged for 10 min at 3000 rpm at 15°C. The resulting blood plasma was an alyzed on an automatic biochemical analyzer “Advia 1800 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics” (USA – Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Determination of the concentration of small molecules of microbial origin in the blood
Methylsilyl derivatives of fatty acids, aldehydes, and sterols were separated by chromatography on 50 m long high-performance capillary columns with a methyl silicone stationary phase using a GC-MS instrument with electron ionization (70 eV).
The selected compounds had a carbon chain 10 to 26 atoms long and were divided into 5 different groups. Saturated aldehydes were analyzed in the homologous series: from tetradecanal (14a) to 11-octadecenaldehyde (18:1d11a); hydroxy acids from 2-hydroxylauric (2h12) to 2-hydroxyhexacosanoic (2h26); saturated fatty acids from decanoic (10:0) to eicosenoic (20:0) acid; unsaturated fatty acids from isomyristic (i14) to cis-vaccenic (18:1d11) acid; sterols: campesterol, β-sitosterol and ergosterol [7].
The combined pool of selected reference points was determined by summing up all the concentrations of the analyzed chemical compounds. The representation of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Firmicutes phylotypes was determined by summing up the numerical values of the representation rates of all the microorganisms belonging to the corresponding phylotypes [8, 9].
The microbial marker of bacterial plasmalogen was determined by the concentration of octadecenaldehyde (18:1a), which is a product of the cell wall acid methanolysis of microorganisms that are representatives of the indigenous normobiota and belong to Bifidobacterium spp. and Eubacterium spp. genera [10].
The microbial marker of bacterial endotoxin in the blood samples was determined as the sum of the concentrations of hydroxy acids: 3h12, 2h12, hi13, 3h13, 3h14, 2h14, 2hi15, 3hi15, h16, 3hi17, h18, h15, which characterize the amount of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria: Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Bacteroides hypermegas, Fusobacterium, Haemophilus, Sphingomonas, Flavobacterium, Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Bacteroides fragilis, Helicobacter pylori [11].
Statistical methods
The variation statistics methods used in this project included the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test. Differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Pearson’s goodness-of-fit test (χ2) was used to evaluate the adequacy of the obtained results to the theoretical hypothesis. Calculations were carried out using Microsoft Office Excel and Statistica 8.0 software packages.
An integral assessment of the disorders of carbohydrate (DM2) and lipid (DLP) metabolism as well as their combination (DM2 + DLP) in patients was conducted based on the general changes in the macroorganism-microbiota system. The determination of the concentration of octadecenaldehyde that is a product of the cell wall acid methanolysis of Bifidobacterium spp. and Eubacterium spp.- the main source of bacterial plasmalogen, of the total concentration of hydroxy acids - derivatives of the hydroxy residue of lipid A of bacterial endotoxin (3OH-fatty acids - 3OH-FA) as well as of the total concentration of small molecules of microbial origin (SMOM) in the blood were used for the integral assessment of the structure of the human microbiome. The comparison results are shown in Fig. 1.

As shown in Fig. 1, the statistically significant changes in the concentrations of octadecenaldehyde 18a and in the total concentration of 3OH-FA hydroxy acids as well as in the total SMOM concentration were characteristic only for the DM2 and DM2+DLP groups. Therefore, in cases with the carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the total concentration of SMOM increased 2 times while in the cases with a combination of disorders in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, SMOM increased 1.5 times. In cases of carbohydrate metabolism disorder, the concentration of compound 18a increased 3 times; when carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders were combined, it increased 2 times. In cases of the carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the concentration of 3OH-FA increased 2 times, while in the cases with a combination of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders-1.5 times.
The results of the biopsy and morphological studies showed that the duodenal mucosa has a characteristic inflammatory profile in patients with diabetes mellitus. The mucous membrane is abundantly infiltrated with macrophages and has all the signs of immune activation. The increased infiltration of the mucosa by bacteriophages may be the reason for the decrease in its barrier function [12]. Therefore, it is precisely in the cases of diabetes mellitus that a sharp increase in the concentration of SMOM in the blood was observed in our study. The combination of diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia tends to reduce the concentration of SMOM in blood, which indicates a decrease in mucosal permeability due to oppositely directed processes occurring in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders.
The representation of the main 4 phylotypes of the human microbiome was determined based on the ratio of the markers’ concentrations of microorganisms that belong to certain phylotypes. Assignments of the corresponding markers to the microorganisms of a certain phylotype were performed based on the previously published data [10, 11, 12] (Table 2).
Designation | Chemical compound |
Actinobacterium | |
i18 | Isooctadecanoic acid |
i17a | Isoheptadecanal |
14a | Tetradecanal |
i14a | Isomyristyl aldehyde |
i15 | Isopentadecanoic acid |
10Me15 | 10-Methylpentadecanoic acid |
i16 | Isopalmitic acid |
10Me16 | 10-Methylhexadecanoic acid |
a17 | Anteisoheptadecanic acid |
10Me17 | 10-Methylheptadecanoic acid |
16:1d9t | trans-9-hexadecenoic acid |
10Me18 | 10-Methyloctadecanoic acid |
i14 | Isomyristic acid |
14:1d11 | 11-Tetradecenoic acid |
Bacteroides | |
3h13 | 3-Hydroxytridecanoic acid |
2hi15 | 2-Hydroxyisopentadecanoic acid |
3h16 | 3-Hydroxypalmitic acid |
3hi17 | 3-Hydroxyisoheptadecanoic acid |
3h15 | 3-Hydroxypentadecanoic acid |
Furmikuts | |
i16a | Isopalmitaldehyde |
18:1d11a | 11-octadecenaldehyde |
18:1d9a | 9-octadecenaldehyde |
i15a | Isopentadecanaldehyde |
a15a | Anteisopentadecanaldehyde |
10h18 | 10-Hydroxystearic acid |
a13 | Anteisotridecanoic acid |
i12 | Isolauric acid |
a15 | Anteisopentadecanoic acid |
a19 | Anteisononadecanoic acid |
19cyc | Cyclononedecanoic acid |
20:1d11 | 11-Eicosenoic acid |
14:1d9 | 9-Tetradecenoic acid |
15:1d9 | 9-Pentadecenoic acid |
16:1d7 | 7-Hexadecenoic acid |
18:1d11 | Cis-vaccenic acid |
16:1d11 | 11-Hexadecenoic acid |
14:1d7 | 7-Tetradecenoic acid |
Coprostanol | Coprostanol |
Proteobacterium | |
3h12 | 3-Hydroxylauric acid |
2h12 | 2-Hydroxylauric acid |
3hi13 | 3-Hydroxyisotridecanoic acid |
3h14 | 3-Hydroxymyristic acid |
2h14 | 2-Hydroxymyristic acid |
3hi15 | 3-Hydroxyisopentadecanoic acid |
3h18 | 3-Hydroxystearic acid |
3hi20 | 3-Hydroxyisoeicosanoic acid |
17cyc | Cycloheptadecanoic acid |
i17:1d9 | 9-Isoheptadecenoic acid |
i16:1d9 | 9-isohexadecenoic acid |
To level the influence of permeability of the intestinal wall, the activity of the immune system, etc., we used the relative concentrations (representation) of the components. The representation was calculated as the fraction of the presence of each component in the total concentration of all the components in the blood. The representation of phylotype was calculated as the sum of all relative concentrations of the cell wall components of bacteria that belong to the corresponding phylotype. The resulting phylotype distribution differs significantly from similar indicators obtained by sequencing or other methods since the pool of measured concentrations of cell wall components is limited by the number of unique compounds. The assessment of the informativity of this approach was also one of the objectives of this study. The results of representation of phylotypes in the human exposome are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 shows that, in the cases with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the representation of Bacteroidetes decreases (Fig. 2B); in the cases of lipid metabolism disorders, the representation of Actinobacteria increases (Fig. 2A). With carbohydrate metabolism disorders, lipid metabolism disorders as well as with their combination, the representation of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria decreases (Fig. 2C, D).
The results of the correlation analysis of the concentrations of biochemical parameters in cases of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders with the representation of the phylotypes of microorganisms is shown in Table 3.
Factor | TC | TG | LDL-C | HDL-C | Glu-cose | TC | TG | LDL-C | HDL-C | Glu-cose |
Control | Dyslipidemia | |||||||||
Actinobacteria | 0.21 | -0.42 | 0.29 | -0.02 | 0.55 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.10 | 0.01 | -0.15 |
Bacteroidetes | 0.09 | -0.46 | 0.14 | 0.15 | 0.64 | 0.02 | 0.13 | 0.15 | -0.23 | 0.26 |
Proteobacteria | -0.14 | 0.37 | -0.15 | -0.22 | -0.62 | 0.02 | 0.07 | -0.04 | 0.02 | 0.30 |
Firmicutes | 0.04 | 0.23 | 0.03 | -0.23 | -0.91* | -0.19 | 0.06 | -0.16 | -0.22 | 0.35 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus | Combination of type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia | |||||||||
Actinobacteria | -0.26 | 0.10 | -0.28 | -0.16 | 0.02 | 0.07 | 0.12 | -0.04 | 0.22 | 0.18 |
Bacteroidetes | 0.03 | 0.45* | -0.20 | 0.11 | -0.29 | 0.08 | -0.11 | 0.00 | -0.10 | -0.31 |
Proteobacteria | 0.18 | -0.13 | 0.29 | 0.04 | 0.05 | -0.06 | -0.08 | 0.06 | -0.23 | -0.06 |
Firmicutes | 0.14 | 0.04 | -0.24 | -0.07 | -0.39* | 0.03 | -0.04 | 0.07 | -0.10 | -0.20 |
means the statistical significance of the Pearson correlation coefficient, p<0.05.
According to the data shown in Table 3, there is a direct correlation between the level of triglycerides and the representation of Bacteroidetes in DM2. There is a strong inverse correlation between the glucose levels and representation of Firmicutes in the control group. A less pronounced inverse correlation is noticed between the same parameters in the DM2 group. This may be due to the heterogeneity of the Firmicutes phylotype, which includes microorganisms with different metabolic pathways that enable the rapid switching of microbial digestion from one substrate to another. In dyslipidemia, including its combination with diabetes mellitus, correlations were not found.
Using the method of microbiome-associated exposomics, we showed a reduction in the representation of all phylotypes except Actinobacteria in cases with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. In most studies of the microbiome in cases with diabetes mellitus that were performed using the sequencing of bacterial DNA isolated from blood samples, a decrease in the representation of Bacteroidetes and an increase in the representation of Firmicutes were noted [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. The results obtained by molecular genetic methods and microbiome-associated exposomics differ since these methods are based on the analysis of different types of samples - blood and stool samples. An assessment of the ratio of microorganisms in the stool samples indicates the number of microorganisms in the intestine. The ratio of the number of microorganisms, measured by the concentrations of SMOM in the blood, corresponds to the ratio of colonies of microorganisms lysed as a result of interaction with the immunocompetent cells of macroorganism. It is also important to note that the determination of the phylotype ratio by the sequencing of microbiota DNA isolated from the stool samples is a more accurate method of characterizing the microbiome than microbiome-associated exposomics. Many multidirectional biochemical processes have an impact on the results obtained by microbiome-associated exposomics. Therefore, these results indicate the ratio of SMOM from different phylotypes in the bloodstream rather than the ratio of phylotypes in the microbiome.
We also showed the presence of correlations between the ratio of microbiome phylotypes and the main biochemical characteristics of blood. These correlations hint at the most significant indicators characterizing carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The existence of a correlation cannot be considered as proof of the direct cause-effect relationship of these parameters, but it indicates the direct involvement of the microbiota in the pathogenesis of DM2.
Studies of the interaction between the microbiome and macroorganism by microbiome-associated exposomics enable the evaluation of the overall result that includes the carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the changes in the main phylotypes ratios of the human microbiome, the role of inflammatory reactions, the permeability of the mucous membrane of various sections of the intestine and periodontium, and other multidirectional processes.
Integral criteria - the total concentration of SMOM, the concentration of octadecenaldehyde 18a and 3OHFA – can be used to characterize bacterial endotoxemia in patients with DM2 and other disorders.
We did not reveal statistically significant changes in the concentrations of microbial markers in the blood of patients with lipid metabolism disorders as well as statistically significant correlations between the biochemical blood parameters and the representation of microbiome phylotypes. In the blood of patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, we found statistically significant excess in SMOM concentrations – 2–3 times versus the corresponding parameters in healthy individuals. The highest (threefold) excess was observed in the blood level of octadecenaldehyde 18a.
The ratios of the main phylotypes of the microbiome is the reflection of many processes determined by micro-biome-associated exposomics and should be considered as the result of the interaction between the microbiome and the macroorganism. We have revealed the suppression of Bacteroidetes in patients with diabetes mellitus which fully corroborates with the data that describe the effect of this disorder on the state of the human microbiome [18]. A direct correlation was also found between the representation of Bacteroidetes and the level of triglycerides in cases with a carbohydrate metabolism disorders. According to our data, the development of dyslipidemia reduced the intensity of endotoxemia (total level of SMOM) that develops in DM2. Therefore, the level of triglycerides can be considered as the most significant factor of dyslipidemia that prevents the development of diabetes mellitus.