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      Clearing the Minefield: State Theory and Geopolitical Economy

      World Review of Political Economy
      Pluto Journals
      capitalist state, Marx, imperialism, geopolitical economy, competition


            Four recent books on competition and crisis in the 20th century have contributed to renewed interest in Marxist theory while reopening some contentious issues. While central to all four books, the role of the capitalist state is not theorised systematically, a weakness which reflects an enduring gap in Marxist theory. One of the challenges when theorising the state is that the latter must be situated within a complex set of multiscalar relationships involving accumulation and competition. The author argues that the state must be understood as having multiple, intersecting determinations and suggests that a satisfactory theory of the state may be constructed by showing how these determinations arise from the logic of capitalist competition and crisis. Conceptualised as generative mechanisms, they denote not only the main influences on state decisions and behaviour but also—and crucially—the fundamental limits on state decision making.


            Author and article information

            World Review of Political Economy
            Pluto Journals
            Winter 2015
            : 6
            : 4
            : 459-481
            © 2015 World Association for Political Economy

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

            Symposium: The Materiality of Nations in Geopolitical Economy: Co-Edited by Radhika Desai

            Political economics
            capitalist state,geopolitical economy,competition,imperialism,Marx


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