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      Modernising Russia's National Economic System: The Potential for Reindustrialisation

      World Review of Political Economy
      Pluto Journals
      reindustrialisation, productivity of labour, modernisation


            The author analyses the problem of reindustrialisation as the basis for the modernisation Russia's national economic system. The main goal of reindustrialisation has to be restoring the role and place of industry as the basic component of the country's economy. In Russia, the “invisible hand of the market” cannot by itself ensure the necessary structural shifts in the material and technical basis of the economy; so to supplement the self-regulation of the market, our country needs both stimulation of business and limitations on it, consciously imposed by the state. Thus, selective state regulation is indispensable in Russia, and the main objective is to identify key areas for development.


            Author and article information

            World Review of Political Economy
            Pluto Journals
            Summer 2017
            : 8
            : 2
            : 221-234
            © 2017 World Association for Political Economy

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            Political economics
            reindustrialisation,productivity of labour,modernisation


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