Review of African Political Economy

Volume 45, Issue 156
03 April 2018
Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE)
ROAPE Publisher

Table of contents

The state: the executive committee of global capitalism?181
From colonisation to globalisation: a history of state capture by the tobacco industry in Malawi Translated title: De la colonisation à la mondialisation : une histoire de la capture d'Etat par l'industrie du tabac au Malawi 186
South African business nanny state: the case of the automotive industrial policy post-apartheid, 1995–2010 Translated title: En Afrique du Sud, État hyper protecteur en commerce : le cas de la politique industrielle de l’automobile post-apartheid, 1995–2010 203
Capital accumulation and capital controls in South Africa: a class perspective Translated title: Accumulation du capital et contrôles de capitaux en Afrique du Sud : une perspective de classe 223
Navigating ‘taxation’ on the Congo River: the interplay of legitimation and ‘officialisation’ Translated title: « Naviguer entre les taxes » sur le fleuve Congo : l'interface de la légitimation et de « l'officialisation » 250
Radical political economy and industrialisation in Africa: ROAPE/Third World Network-Africa Connections workshop, held in Accra, Ghana, 13–14 November 2017267
Ifeoma Okoye: socialist-feminist political horizons in Nigerian literature335
Rentierism and security privatisation in the Nigerian petroleum industry: assessment of oil pipeline surveillance and protection contracts345
Inheriting power: Somaliland’s political institutions and the 2017 presidential election354
Burkina Faso: a history of power, protest and revolution363